How to set up a proxy from Proxy-Store antidetect browser Undetectable?

Setting up Proxy-Store proxy in an anti-detect browser Undetectable

Proxy-Store offers an impressive selection of public (around 2.5 million), server (approximately 50,000 addresses), residential, and mobile proxies (a total of 25 million IPs).

To learn more about servers and the advantages of the service, visit this link. You can also find a promo code there for a 10% discount on residential (and more) proxies.

Step-by-step guide to setting up Proxy-Store proxy Undetectable

In this article, we will explain how to configure a proxy connection from Proxy-Store in an anti-detection browserUndetectable.

Important: when using a mobile or residential proxy, the steps to configure the browser profile will not be different.

Purchase of proxies and creation of a profile in an anti-detect browser

Step 1. To buy a proxy, go to the website Proxy-Store. Choose the desired category, country, quantity, and validity period.

Proxy-Store Personal Account - Best Proxies at Reasonable Prices

Fig. 1

Step 2. Go to the main menu of the anti-detection browser Undetectable. Click on "New Profile" to create a profile (2.1, see figure 2). After this action, a window for working with profile parameters will appear (2.2, see figure 2).

undetectable browser example

Fig. 2

Step 3. Fill in the field "Profile Name". In this guide, it will coincide with the purchased proxy category "For all websites" (3.1, Fig. 3), but it can be anything.

In the profile settings, specify which OS and browser will be emulated in the profile or leave the parameters suggested by the program unchanged (3.2, fig. 3).

undetectable browser settings

Fig. 3

Setting up a proxy in Undetectable

Step 4. Add a proxy to the profile in the "General" tab. To do this, select "New proxy" from the drop-down list "Proxy" (4.1, fig. 4).

Proxies can be added in several different export formats (4.2, Fig. 4). - how to set up a proxy in the browser profile

Fig. 4

Step 5. In your personal account on Proxy-Store service, select the proxy to be used in the browser profile. Export it in a format supported by the program. For example, IP:PORT:LOGIN:PASS(fig. 5).

Export proxies from your Proxy-Store account

Fig. 5

Detailed information on how to export proxies can be found in the blog of Proxy-Store.

Step 6. After adding the proxy, click on the "Create" button (6.2, see fig. 6).

Note: the proxy type specified in the profile (http or socks5) must match the one indicated in the personal account (6.1, fig. 6).

Proxy setup in anti-detection browser

Fig. 6

Proxy Functionality Check

Step 7. The created profile will appear in the list of available profiles (7.1, Fig. 7). To launch it, click on "Open" (7.2, Fig. 7). - new profile with configured proxy connection ready for work

Fig. 7

Step 8. The final check of the functionality of the configured proxy connection can be done on the website (see figure 8). If the IP on the site matches the IP in the Proxy-Store personal account, congratulations, you have successfully configured the proxy in the anti-detect browserUndetectable

Fig. 8

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