How to use Undetectable API for interacting with third-party solutions

Undetectable provides a variety of tools to simplify the implementation of a rather complex multi-account access mechanism. However, these capabilities are not enough when it comes to truly large-scale activities involving hundreds of fingerprints, accounts, and configurations. Therefore, in such extreme conditions, it is better to take precautions and simplify your professional life with the help of specialized process automation tools. Undetectable has a native API specifically for such cases.
Anti-detection browser API: integration with Selenium, Puppeteer, and Playwright for automation
The anti-detection browser API is most commonly used for integration with the following third-party automation solutions:
- Selenium - a collection of libraries for different programming languages that allows for the management of web applications and sites through the Json Wire Protocol. It enables Undetectable to be instructed via HTTP on the actions it should perform on a site during the current visit session.
- Puppeteer - a Node.js library designed for automating processes in browsers based on the Chromium engine. The library uses the Chrome DevTools Protocol API for this purpose.
- Playwright - another Node.js library developed by Microsoft. It is used for cross-browser automation and testing in Chrome, Firefox, and WebKit.
Further interaction through the API involves data exchange between two applications: Undetectable and the automation tool. To do this, you need to open the anti-detection browser, which will start a server on a local port for data transmission. By default, the local server uses port 25325, but you can activate a different port in the tool's settings.
The interaction takes place through the local host (localhost). Therefore, in your automation script, you will be able to access the Undetectable program via the IP address
More detailed information on the setup and operation procedures with anti-detection and automation tools can be found in the knowledge base of the program.
This is how we open up new possibilities of Undetectable for you every day. Now you will not only be able to skillfully work with the anti-detection functionality but also automate the process of testing profiles and performing other routine tasks.