How Cloud Browser Profiles for Anti-Detect Browsers Work and Their Advantages

Cloud Profiles for Anti-Detect Browsers: Benefits & How They Work

Once upon a time, arbitrageurs, webmasters, and marketers worked individually. Now it is more effective to work as a team. This way, problems are solved more easily, and the income from professional activities is measured not in hundreds, but in thousands of dollars. Cloud profiles are designed specifically for such teams, and they need to be explained in more detail.

How do cloud browser profiles of anti-detect browsers work and what are their advantages?

Among the users of anti-detect browsers, there are many team players. Therefore, the creators are constantly working on expanding the functionality for this category of users. This is how Undetectable introduced cloud control panel, storage, and cloud profiles. Here's what they are:

  • Cloud profiles - browser profiles stored in the cloud storage of anti-detect or on the user's server. Multiple people can use the same profile. This helps marketing agencies and arbitrage teams save significant financial resources on purchasing specialized software. In addition, storing profiles on the server allows access to them from different devices.

Local profiles do not allow for collective multi-account activity. If the anti-detect does not support cloud accounts, then you will have to purchase multiple subscriptions to the software. This is good for the publisher of an anonymous browser, but not beneficial for team users. However, in Undetectable, you can easily convert cloud profiles to local ones and vice versa.

  • Cloud panel - designed to manage profiles stored in the cloud storage. With its help, a manager or administrator can grant access to groups of profiles to specific team members. It also allows tracking the interaction history of each user with the profiles.

In addition, Undetectable supports roles, which ensures a high level of profile data protection. This includes protection against human factors, as each team member can only view and work with the profiles they have access to. They can also perform only the actions allowed by the assigned user role. In total, Undetectable has 33 access settings.

As you can see, your favorite anti-detect, despite its apparent simplicity, has remarkable capabilities. And all because Undetectable listens to its users, who set the direction for its development. It turns out that the anti-detect ended up in the cloud simply because its users needed it.